This was adapted from a Twitter 🧵 and reformatted for easier sharing!
We spent the last 10 days in Frankfurt Germany, first as tourists, then celebrating @riesemuller 30th anniversary at their factory and then at the worlds largest international bike trade show, @EUROBIKE_SHOW
We borrowed bikes from @riesemuller to experience just how advanced Germany’s ebike culture has become. The infrastructure is incredible: bike highways, forest paths, sidewalk cycle paths, plenty of parking; all of it makes cycling so fun and accessible.
The bike paths in the area are not at the level of a place like Copenhagen, but they are networked and safe enough to make cycling a 1st choice for everyone. Locals tell how political focus has been on constant improvement to drawdown đźš—s
One observation is how bicycles and pedestrians share a lot of the same infrastructure and it seems to work well even with high density. Many sidewalks clearly allow cyclists, and make it clear the space is to be shared. Could we do this here?
We took part of the GrünGürtel bike route - a 45 mile cycle way around Frankfurt’s green belt - from our hotel along the river Main, into the hills on the north, and down the Nidda river, with beer gardens on way. Fun is just as important as utility for a great cycling city.
E-bikes are ubiquitous today, but 30 years ago when @riesemuller started there were none. It was deeply inspiring to visit our friends at the factory, and see the incredible work they have done to build a thoughtful, creative and impactful family business with 1000 employees now.
On Wednesday we arrived at the show. While the backdrop was of current business struggles, the refinement and innovation seen at the show and the long term trends toward e-bikes worldwide to fight the climate crisis brings optimism to us all.
One of the coolest innovations was a new gearbox + motor combination from Pinion. This drive dramatically simplifies e-bikes and brings better performance, especially for cargo. I test rode it and can say it performed extremely well. We will see when it comes to the USA!
Another highlight was @BoscheBikeUS new lightweight motor and battery (8.9 lbs total!!). The ride feel and performance was impeccable. We are stoked that @riesemuller will be bring this drive to us next year on the beautiful new Culture.

will be releasing an unbreakable u-lock later this year and announced it at the show. They’ve developed a custom process to make it so that angle grinders break blade after blade. You don’t want to loose your keys; your locksmith will hate you.
Finally, always a highlight seeing all of our bike shop friends @dandelion_bikes, Splendid in Portland and new friends @BishopsCycles. Keep up the great work making the shift happen day in and day out!
We are so excited for what is happening and what is coming. Eurobike shows the way and we will be working hard to make it happen here in the Bay Area. We will have more exciting news to share coming out of the show in the next months. Stay tuned!